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   DancExcel   Ambassador

DancExcel are delighted to announce that this years' ambassador is Mhairi Dunn (Senior classes).  At DancExcel we take great pride in encouraging our students to be responsible, positive role models to their fellow dancers and to others, and this is something we are very proud of.   Frequently the feedback we are given when we perform at events is that our students are not only extremely talented dancers, but also they are very polite, well mannered, respectful of others, and a real credit to us! The creation of the ambassador role rewards and recognises this, to further develop that sense of responsibility, to encourage our students to be positive role models and to give our students a voice through a peer ambassador.  It will be Mhairi's role to promote DancExcel as ambassador at events and on social media, to help out at classes where she will gain valuable experience, to help in organisational aspects of events, and to provide regular updates on this website regarding what she has been involved in.  Mhairi will hold this title until June 2019 when applications from our students will re-open for the next ambassador.

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